One of eleven Oratorian houses currently established in the United States, the Raritan Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri was canonically erected in the Diocese of Metuchen by Pope St. John Paul II on September 8, 1998.
Read more about the history of our Congregation here.
The Congregation resides at St. Ann Rectory in Raritan. Members currently serve St. Ann Parish & St. Ann Classical Academy, Raritan, Holy Trinity Parish, Bridgewater, the Shrine Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, Raritan, & St. Joseph Parish, Raritan.
Pictured to the left: Members of the Congregation and men in discernment, with the Jubilee Relic of St. Philip, February 11, 2016 (Br. Allen Marquez, BH, photo).
Enlivened by the spirit of St. Philip Neri, pursuing the Lord’s invitation to personal holiness and daily conversion of heart through a common life rooted in prayer, charity, humility and joy, and inspired by a steadfast conviction in the dignity and value of the vocation of the laity in the church and in the world, the mission of the Raritan Congregation of the Oratory is to foster the sound spiritual formation of the Catholic faithful, in particular the Secular Oratory, and to nurture their call to embrace a loving relationship with Christ in service to the Kingdom of God.