Bring your appetite and your blanket or lawn chair as we kick off summer with the biggest party of the year! Amazing food trucks, boardwalk games, live music, and more! Saturday, June 19 from 11-7 at the Elks Club, 1500 Brooks Blvd in Hillsborough. A portion of all proceeds will benefit St. Ann Classical Academy.
St. Ann Classical Academy presents their 2021 Love Thy Neighbor Raffle, with fabulous prizes supporting local businesses. Grand prize is a ShopRite gift card worth $2500! Tickets are $25 each and are available at the churches served by the Oratory, as well as by contacting or the school office at 908-725-7787. Drawing will take place on May 9, 2021.
St. Ann Classical Academy will be collecting usable, used clothing, on Friday, March 26. The school will receive a donation based on how much is collected. Volunteers are also needed to assist. Please click the link for more information.
This summer, we'll be joining teens from BOLD Youth Ministry around NJ to go to Catholic Heart Work Camp in Dover, Delaware. This week-long summer mission trip is an amazing opportunity to serve those in need. Go to to learn more and to register. For more information contact Brian Flanagan at
St. Ann Classical Academy in Raritan is in need of a part-time physical education teacher for Grades K-8. Duties would include meeting with each grace once a week (Fridays) and developing and executing a varied physical education program for our students. If you are interested in the position please contact Fr. Peter Cebulka, C.O., Head of School, at 908-725-7787 or
The Raritan Oratory has added a new feature to our YouTube channel! Each week, join Fr. Jeff for a brief reflection on the Sunday Gospel to jump-start your weekend, prepare for Sunday Mass, or continue reflecting on the Gospel during the week. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel, where we continue to offer live and on-demand video of Sunday Mass in English, Spanish, & Latin (EF), monthly Holy Hours, and more!
At our monthly Holy Hour on September 20, Br. Steven Bolton, C.O. was formally accepted as a triennial member of the Congregation of the Oratory, marking the conclusion of his novitiate. Then, he was also accepted by Fr. Jeff on behalf of the Congregation as a candidate for Holy Orders, the first formal step on the path to eventual priestly ordination. Please join us in congratulating Br. Steven and praying for him as he continues his preparation for ordained ministry.
On Saturday, August 22, Bishop Checchio ordianed five men to the priesthood, including Rev. John Fredy Triana Beltran, C.O.. The ordination took place at the National Shrine of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima, in Asbury, NJ. Fr. John Fredy then celebrated his Mass of Thanksgiving at Holy Trinity in Bridgewater on Sunday, August 23. He has been assigned to continue as Vice Rector of the Shrine Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, Raritan.
Bishop Checchio has appointed Fr. Kevin Kelly, C.O., as Administrator of the Church of St. Joseph, Raritan, effective September 1. Fr. Kevin, a visual artist and musician who is a founding member of the Raritan Oratory, was ordained in 2006. Since 2019, Fr. Kevin has served as Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph's while establishing a Spanish Mass community in Raritan.
We are pleased to announce that, effective the weekend of July 18-19, Mr. Anthony R. Nardino will begin his service as Director of Music and Liturgy for Oratorian Ministries. In this role, Mr. Nardino will be overseeing the liturgical life of the communities served by the Raritan Oratory. Beginning in September, he will also assume the duties of music teacher for St. Ann Classical School in Raritan. For more information, please click the title or image above.
Fr. Peter Cebulka, C.O., currently serving St. Ann Classical Academy, Raritan, as Head of School, will also be entrusted with the duties and responsibilities of the principal for the 2020-2021 school year. He will be working to advance the school's new identity as a center for Catholic classical education, which began in 2019. For more information, click the heading to read Fr. Tom's letter announcing the appointment.
The Raritan Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri held its triennial elections on Friday, May 1, 2020, with the following results: PROVOST: Very Rev. Jeffrey M. Calia, C.O. DEPUTY/VICAR: Rev. Peter R. Cebulka, C.O. DEPUTY/SECRETARY: Rev. Thomas A. Odorizzi, C.O. The new Provost, Fr. Jeff Calia, C.O., has been a member of the Oratory since 2004. Ordained in 2010, he currently serves as Pastor of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Bridgewater, and Administrator of St. Joseph Church, Raritan. For Fr. Jeff's full bio, click the heading or photo.
The Congregation of the Oratory in Raritan has assumed the pastoral care and leadership of the Shrine Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, Raritan, as of Monday, January 27, 2020. The Shrine Chapel, which is the former St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church, serves as a center for Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and Mass in the Extraordinary Form. Very Rev. Peter R. Cebulka, C.O., Provost, has been appointed Rector by Bishop Checchio.
The Congregation of the Oratory in Raritan has assumed the pastoral care of St. Joseph Parish, Raritan, as of January 15, 2020, on an interim basis during the sabbatical of the Pastor, Fr. Ken Kolibas. Fr. Kevin Kelly, C.O. continues at St. Joseph in his capacity as Parochial Vicar and is the primary pastoral person serving the spiritual needs of the parish community. Fr. Jeff Calia, C.O., Pastor of Holy Trinity in Bridgewater, serves as financial administrator.
On Thursday, January 9, 2020, the Congregation of the Oratory in Raritan formally accepted fourteen men and women as Postulants for the Secular Oratory. The prospective Oratorians will begin a process of formation with the goal of enrollment as members of the Secular Oratory later this year.
The Congregation of the Oratory thanks all who took part in our first Tricky Tray fundraiser on Sunday, November 3 at Pierre's in South Brunswick. We are grateful to all who attended, to Levy and the outstanding staff at Pierre's, and to the many dedicated volunteers led by Anne-Marie Calderone, S.O., who made this event not only possible but a great success. May God bless you for your generosity and support of the Oratory!
Join us for our annual celebration of Advent in word and song led by Oratory Director of Sacred Music, Anthony R. Nardino, and featuring the music ministries of St. Ann & Holy Trinity parishes. Lessons & Carols will take place this year on Sunday afternoon, December 8 at 2:00 pm in St. Ann's Church, Raritan. A light reception will follow in the school cafeteria. Everyone is welcome!
Visit the Small World Coffee location at 254 Nassau Street in Princeton through November 4, and see the latest works by Fr. Kevin Kelly, C.O., "Small Paintings for a Small World".
Join the Oratory and friends for our first Tricky Tray fundraiser, "A Few of My Favorite Things," from the team that produced award-winning tricky tray events at St. Peter's in New Brunswick from 2012-2017. This event will take place Sunday, November 3 at Pierre's of South Brunswick. Admission and 50/50 tickets are on sale now. Click the link for more information!
The Oratorian family around the world rejoices in the upcoming canonization on Sunday, October 13, of its most well-known member, the English convert, theologian, writer, and Oratorian priest, John Henry Cardinal Newman (1801-1890).